Democracy In Egypt

Democracy In Egypt

Democracy in Egypt is happening because of a revolution that the people of Egypt started because of their dictator Mubarak who was a tyrant of 40 years and made the Egyptian people rise up to the occasion and refuse to let their leader take over. Many people feared and believed that the revolution had to deal with a religious purpose because of the Muslim Brotherhood. The United States is a democratic nation that gave the people the power to govern themselves. Unlike Egypt today they are having trouble fighting for democracy because their country is being ruled by a tyrant, causing a revolution and fearing other countries. If the Egyptian citizens continue to fight for democracy and their army then Mubarak had no choice. He has to step down from office, because a leader cannot run a country if the people are rebellious and not agreeing with his terms. The technology that is being used in Egypt is the internet that gave the Egyptian people freedom of searching information and giving them hope for democracy. The government for a period of time shut the access of internet in Egypt. It states in the Christian Science Monitor article -Overnight- in Egypt, the government shut down the vast majority of Egypt's Internet service, only allowing a network used by the stock exchange and most banks to stay live. Text message services were shut down in an effort to disrupt protest organization and all cell phone service was ordered shut in select locations according to Vodafone, one of Egypt's two main cellphone companies. There were reports of hundreds of activists detained by the police. States Dan Murphy The citizens that are fighting for democracy are the teenagers fighting for their country to be democratic. The women and men want liberation. The women that are involved in trying to fight for freedom reminds me of the suffrage movement when the women wanted the equal rights as men. The technology of the internet can show the Egyptians how America has their democracy and freedom and how they hope for their country to be similar to ours. It's clear to see that Egyptians just want peace. It states in article burring the truth for Al-Ahram weekly "I only want peace for myself and my mother and it won't happen until I get hold of the doctor who forged my brother's death certificate. And I don't care what happens to me after that, even if I go to jail." It's clear that the Egyptian citizens were being slaves to a dictator and no longer want to be slaves. As I mentioned earlier a nation cannot be ruled without any people which means the king or pharaoh has no power, he is weak.

"What does Hosni Mubarak stepping down and ceding authority to the military council mean? It means that Mubarak is out and Egyptians under 30 will see a new president for the first time in their lives. This is a huge political achievement! In 18 days the people brought down the head of a political order that has effectively been in place for 60 years–from Nasser to Sadat to Mubarak. There is a sense of empowerment among the people of Egypt, a sense that the future is theirs to make."- States Cheryl Walker a middle east scholar The Egyptians fighting for liberation, but how can democracy help their economy and government? It depends on which type of democracy. If the democracy is like India with all minority upper caste occupying government and politics, that will be pulling the country back by another 100 years. The real purpose will not be served. All expatriates will be thrown out and locals will occupy the positions. Egypt has democracy but the protestors just don't like the way their democracy is being conducted at present time.

What I fear the most about the revolution is that who would be in power after Mubarak is no longer in office. How would it affect the United States economically and politically. And most important of all Israel? What would happen to Israel if Mubarak steps down from office? Would Egypt kept peace with Israel? The USA will lose two close political allies and it will find it harder to implement its policies in the Middle East. This should not rise oil prices much in the long term. What happened in Egypt and Libya could affect America much more however if the revolt spread to the oil-rich monarchies of the gulf. If these monarchies fall, oil prices are very likely to go up and America may lose all its control over the region of the middle east. That's how it will affect our country both economically and politically. It states in the Muslim Brotherhood meeting that - El-Gazar said Egypt will keep its peace treaty with Israel in the future “because this is of value to the people of Egypt. We don’t want to break something of value to the people of Egypt.” Our president Obama states in NBC news that Egypt will never be the same, and that we will be their friend and provided them with what they need. But that is involving us into a problem we don't need because how can we provide for them if we are in a recession. He have to deal with whats going on in our country instead of having involvement in another country. I believe we should be friends with them but not provide for them... I think Italy, France, and European nations around them should provide for them much more. If we provide for them it wont be free. Our government will have involvement in their system. So America can have a World Order to Have maximum control and power.

It states in The New Yorker postcard from Egypt rebellion by Jenna Krajeski Men are creating the constitution without a women being present because no women will become president. From the article it clearly states that Egypt would still be rebellious because all this started because women and men wanted freedom of speech, a democracy country, and now in the article women aren't being involve in the creation of the constitution. The men who are creating the constitution for Egypt needs a women respective because its not about religion its about having democracy and the freedom of speech. As women take care the house and take care the children they can also take care of government roles in creating a constitution. But according to the men of Egypt the don't seem to realize that their country will not be a triumph without women. The young women protested and took off their turbin. For the young people to use ( twitter ) and ( Facebook ) as a way to communicate and show the people what is going on in their country is a fast way to have people on their side in both cyber world and physically. The way they make their things public in the world to show that they are fighting for democracy shows me that they are ambitious to fight for what they believe. Only the Egyptian people know whats best for them and all we can do is hope that they get it together because its a big mess.

Throughout Egypt the citizens was never given a voice or had power to overthrow their government. To look back on history and read about pharos and queens and the stories of Egypt, today i can see why history is taking place in Egypt. To see the women of Egypt fighting for freedom is live the women of America fighting for suffrage the right to vote. If Egyptians started a revolution then every nation around the world can see change happening, and taking place now.

This political cartoon is sending the message of FREEDOM with the logo (F) that symbolize (Facebook) on a flag that a Egyptian citizen is holding. This image states that Egypt wants freedom of speech and freedom to use the internet to spread the revolution world wide. The Egyptian government had shut down the internet service overnight and the youth of that region use the internet to contact friends and family to reach out for their freedom of Democracy.
© Cindy Rios 2011